Strong links to the business world allow MCI Management Center Innsbruck to provide generous financial support for students from around the world
Since MCI’s launch of the new International Business MBA Online, students from all over the world have been taking advantage of a high-level degree program based on innovative blended learning technologies, taught fully in English.
With an intelligent mix of face-to-face and online modules, supported by state of the art electronic media, the didactic concept differs significantly from conventional distance learning programs and provides the optimal compatibility of work, family and advanced education with strong faculty support, peer interaction and networking opportunities. The master’s program comprises ten topic-centered modules with a special focus on global management, strategy, entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation.
As a special bonus, from autumn 2016 a double degree option in cooperation with the renowned Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC, Canada, will be open to students. Through the completion of additional face-to-face and online modules at one of Canada’s leading universities, students will be able to earn an additional master’s degree in global management.
With the implementation of this innovative program, MCI consistently pursues its digitalization strategy. Rector Andreas Altmann stresses: “Higher education must not ignore the change that digitalization is bringing about. MCI has been generating exemplary e-learning know-how over the last few years. With the International Online MBA we have set an international benchmark.“
Following its concept of an Entrepreneurial School®, the MCI enjoys a strong international network with first-class partners from the corporate and academic world. In order to provide motivated high potential students with financial support, MCI has been able to implement several top-notch scholarship opportunities granted by partners from the business world. In addition, a European Digital Scholarship and a Global Scholarship promote highly qualified students from all over the world who are ready to take the next step in their career.